Friday, January 29, 2010

Disruptive and Sustainable Technologies

Today I used a sustainable technology on my computer known as sleep mode. I was downloading some music and a video but I needed to leave but I didn't want to leave my computer on for the entire time soaking up energy. To combat this dilemma I put it on sleep mode and turned the monitor off. This way I could keep downloading what I want and not hog up the power for no good reason. Sleep mode puts your computer in a state close to it being shutdown but it saves all your current work, activities and other things you may have running exactly how they are so when you return it's all ready to go for you. It does all of this whilst maintaining low power outputs.

A disruptive technology I used would be the torrent program on my computer. With this kind of program you can download, movies, games and whole programs like photoshop from your home. Though, it may take a little longer to acquire, it's free. Which means you aren't giving your money to the developers or directors or whomever they may be that makes the product. Another disruptive technology I used was a USB drive to put the movie I downloaded onto it for quick transportation. This is disruptive because it means I don't have to buy blank discs to burn it onto.

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